We welcome U.S. Senate candidate, Eric Hansen. Eric has already been conducting a highly professional campaign. If you’re not already on his email list, go to VoteEricHansen.com and sign up for updates.
Join us and get the latest news on the campaign
Mike Krawczuk has proven to be one of the most energetic campaigners around. We’re excited to hear about the launch of his campaign for the 6th Representative District. Bookmark Mike’s website, MikeKrawczuk.com
Brent Burdge’s Legislative Awareness update will place you among Delaware’s most well-informed citizens. Find out about everything the General Assembly is working on. You can find Brent’s previous updates on our News & Opinion page.
Delaware Republican State Convention
State Committee Dinner: Friday, May 17,2024
Convention: Saturday, May 18, 2024
We will be electing our slate of delegates and alternates at our April meeting on April 22. However, we’ll share information about how to nominate yourself to be a delegate or alternate at this month’s meeting.