This is a NOMINATING convention (as opposed to organization convention) with several purposes:
The State Convention shall consist of three hundred and forty-one (341) Delegate votes apportioned among the five Convention Districts as follows:
Number of Delegates:
The Delegates from each Convention District (Region) shall be apportioned among the several Representative Districts within each Convention District in accordance with the rules and practices of each Convention District (Region). There shall also be three (3) Alternates for each Representative District within each Convention District who will serve in the absence of a Delegate within the Convention District. Each Representative District in a Convention District must have at least one delegate and one alternate.
In accordance with Article VI, Section 10 of the Rules of the Republican State Committee of Delaware, a list of the Delegates and Alternates shall be assembled by each Convention District (Region) to include name, address and telephone number of each Delegate and Alternate, such list shall be filed by each Convention District (Region) with the secretary, Brandon Brice, no less than twenty (20) days prior to the Convention on Saturday, Mary 18, 2024.
Delegates to the state convention must be registered Republicans in the region in which they are registered to vote in the State of Delaware.
Delegates to the State Convention will be selected during regional conventions scheduled for:
State Convention Dinner — May 17, 2024, 6 – 9 PM — Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village, 866 N. Dupont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 State Committee Members will be voting for National Committeeman and National Committeewoman prior to the dinner. State Committee Members must be present at this meeting to vote.